Friday, October 17, 2008

Results so far!

Well, these are the results that we have so far:

Jim - tested but no results
Darlene - not tested yet
Hannah - not tested yet
Mark - negative
Paul - negative
Sarah - negative
Daniel - positive for Celiac's Disease
Joel - negative
Benjamin - negative
Elisabeth - negative
Thomas - negative
Abby - negative

To me, that is good news. It doesn't feel so overwhelming. We had a meeting with the nutritionist today and that went well. She has a lot of resources to tap into. There is a gluten-free product list that you can buy for $30 each year/updated annually and it lists products by type and company. It is really neat. I found out that the toothpaste we use is gluten-free (Colgate). I would have never thought of worrying about toothpaste! She gave Daniel a pizza crust recipe, so he is going to make himself a pizza tomorrow and see how it turns out. We are having some out-of-town company for the afternoon, so he can eat pizza along with the rest of us. Tonight for supper, we had sausage casserole. I had to modify it with quinoa/corn pasta, gluten-free sausage from Whole Foods (there was no gluten-free ground Italian sausage at the regular store), and corn starch as a thickener instead of wheat flour. But everyone really liked it. Tom said he wasn't eating, but after he tried it, he liked it. Some of us actually liked it better than the original. God is good!

1 comment:

Paul said...

That casserole was good!