Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Sleeping beauties!

I don't know if I spelled beauties right or not? Maybe someone can tell me. Well, anyway, this first picture was taken at church. We happened to have Mark's camera with us that day otherwise we would not have this picture. Abby asked Elisabeth if she could lie down in her lap and they both ended up falling asleep. Isn't that cute!

This next picture is Tom sleeping under Hannah's bed. For some reason, he has an aversion to sleeping in his own bed. It doesn't seem like it would be that comfortable and I did notice this morning that he was sleeping in his own bed. I would feel claustrophobic under there!

Abby fell asleep on the couch. Everyone was getting ready for bed and she was screaming and causing general trouble in the bathroom, so I made her sit on the couch and wait until everyone was done brushing their teeth, etc. Well, while she was waiting, she fell asleep sitting on the couch. Brings a new meaning to the phrase "ladies in waiting"!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

Our New Baby? Huh?

Thomas and Abby asked to sleep in our room tonight. I left them in there and told Abby I would be back in a little while. When I came back in the room, at first I couldn't find her and then I noticed she was in the baby bassinette meant for the new baby! I laughed so hard and went to get the camera. I told Hannah and Sarah that they just had to come in my room to see something. They laughed as hard as I did. I don't know how she even got in it without toppling it over or doing damage to it. I wish I had a video of that!

I don't know if our new baby is ready for Abby! He better be one tough little guy! When Rebekah babysat for us, Abby transferred Eliana from the pack-n-play to the bassinette all by herself. When Rebekah asked her how she got in the bassinette, Abby denied knowing how she got there until Rebekah pressed her with the knowledge that Eliana couldn't climb out of the playpen and into the bassinette by herself. I guess she seemed pretty repentant after that.

Monday, September 22, 2008

Abby doing her thing!

Well, I COULD post an exciting picture of my worn, wires-showing, balding tires, but I didn't have my camera with me today. As a side note, the van now has two new tires (will have two more next week) and is getting aligned tomorrow.

So, in lieu of tire pictures, I decided I would post these sweet pictures of Abby that I took last week. She had fun cutting out an Eskimo and his sled dogs one day, then cutting out and coloring some farm animals another day. At least she is doing something permissible with her scissors, instead of cutting her hair or her clothes. Progress! :o)

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Rattlesnake in the Dark!

Oh, I am having to post this one again. It didn't post the first time. I remember now how frustrating this computer is!

Well, anyway, about 9 p.m. tonight I heard gunshots but didn't know what was happening in the neighborhood. As it turns out, our neighbor saw a rustling in the yard (but heard no rattle) and ended up shooting a snake. When they found out it was a rattlesnake, they thought it was a good idea to come over and show it to the kids as a warning of what to watch for in the dark. I didn't think snakes would be awake at night, so I learned something. But I guess there are rabbits, frogs, and other kinds of prey out at night for them to catch. It was pretty sobering to see him.

Be afraid, be very afraid!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

One more rattlesnake pic !

On this one, you can actually see where she shot him.

I also got to thinking about the differences between Tom's yard and our yard. I know exactly why there was a snake in his yard at night and not one in our yard. His yard is quiet, peaceful, people are getting ready for bed, etc.

Contrast that with our yard that is full of screaming, crying, yelling, running, bike riding, bouncing balls, barking dog, etc. You get the picture. No one has bedtime on their mind.

If you were a snake, whose yard would you choose? I rest my case!