Saturday, October 2, 2010


This is our sweet kitty, Rosie. She is the most loving cat ever and I have never seen anyone like her. When we come home from church on Sunday nights, she is sitting on the tree stump where the van usually is parked. Abby just loves Rosie and Rosie endures Abby. She has lived through people pulling her tail and dunking her in a bucket. Mind you, I don't condone any of this activity but I only have 2 eyes. She pretends to eat when she thinks you are going to put her outside, she hides when she knows we are leaving the house, she got a ride to church one time and pooped in our van to make her presence known, she follows us around outside, participates in picnics (especially when turkey sandwiches are involved), even comes when you call her sometimes, and talks to us. She is adorable!

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